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HOW TO SEW: Armhole In a Sleeveless Dress (video tutorial)

Hello Everyone!

When it comes to office wardrobe, sleeveless sheath dresses are irreplaceable: they allow you to look well put together even on a hot summer day, and you can still wear them even when a cold season approaches, with a cute cardigan or jacket on top. All in all – a true office-wear  winner.

However, before I started sewing school, I always dreaded to make a sleeveless dress for one reason only: I did not know how to make a neatly looking armhole (*sight*). For me, they never turned out right, always looked bulky/cringely/uneven – you name it – I made every bad-looking armhole there is and jealously looked a neat finishes on ready-to-wear dresses.

But that all changed within my first project at school, when my teacher showed a few simple, yet HIGHLY effective techniques – ever since then, I am not afraid to make a sleeveless dress, armholes always turn out perfect and it takes approx. 5 minutes or less to make each armhole! Therefore, I decided to make my first video tutorial and show these techniques to you – I hope you will find this tutorial useful and it will upgrade your dress making skills as well! If you have any questions about the tutorial – please let me know, I’ll try to help! 

So here it goes – my first ever video tutorial on how to make an armhole in a sleeveless dress:


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