Hi Everyone!
It is hard to believe, but we are already counting the very last hours of 2017 – the year truly flew by fast, didn’t it? While I do not make any resolutions for this occasion (my thinking: if you want to change or learn something, start now, without waiting for January 1) nor do I have many other traditions for New Years celebration, but on this very last day of December I do enjoy taking a few moments to reflect on the year we are leaving behind and seeing what victories, lessons and experiences it brought.
Sewing wise the year 2017 was very fruitful for me and I would like to briefly share the highlights of it with you.
Total 29 garments made!
Wow, that is a lot – I do not recall any other year so productive for me! There were so many garments made, that I think a nice pie chart is needed (well, honestly, I am a huuuge fan of statistics, data and tables, so any occasion for pie chart is a good occasion, ha!).

I am usually sewing something that I can wear at the office, so it’s no surprise that I mostly made dresses this year (11 pieces total). I am particularly proud that I made a few jackets and a coat that gave a significant boost to improving my sewing skill set and thus overcoming my fear of coat making.
Most worn garment – self-drafted grey dress
This dress not only looks good, but feels good, too – it’s so comfortable, that I wear it every week to the office (full blog post about this dress here).

Favourite garment made – Rosy Burda Style jacket
Some garments are fun to wear, some garments are even more fun to make – this one is exactly that! I have been dreaming about this jacket for almost a decade, so I am very glad that I finally made it (full blog post about it here).

Most “Oops!” sewing moment – shrunken polo dress
This dress is gorgeous: the color, the design, the fit – I love everything about it, it’s a perfect summer dress. Excuse me, it was perfect – until very first trip to the washing machine… I do not know how it happened, but it shrunk (though I pre-washed the fabrics before cutting and steamed it). It shrunk so bad, that I can not longer wear it as a dress, so I am puzzled what to do with it: throw away and forget about it? Add some ruffle to the bottom to lengthen it? Hm, will have to think about it, but it the meantime I am calling it biggest sewing “oops!” of the year!

Best sewing purchase – an adjustable dress form
I did not buy much of sewing gadgets this year, but I did get an adjustable dress form, that I was dreaming for yeeeaaars :) Was it worth it? Yes, definitely! I am getting so much use from it, that I can barely remember how I got around without it, ha!

Last but not least, I would like to mention that this blog SewingJulie was also created this year – very glad I finally made it, as I truly love online sewing community and being part of it is a great joy!
Hope you enjoy reading it and best of luck it your sewing adventures in upcoming 2018!
Yours truly, Julie